Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Present is Your Gift

 Your Present is Your Gift

Your gift is your present—yes! Your present moment is your great gift you have in your hand, the time which lays the platform for your better life tomorrow.

One thing over which you can exercise complete control is your present moment. By fully utilizing your present you can have innumerable “presents” throughout your life which are the rewards you get when you fully focus on the present and not thinking of either past or your future (except for planning).

All the great business empires that have been built over the ages, any great acts and performances that have been done by people are done by finishing or dealing with ONE THING AT A TIME in an excellent manner and thoroughly and not scattering the resources or energies in any other activities.

The same goes for you as well. Things are done in an excellent way by focusing fully on the PRESENT job or task at hand. The present moment is the moment that defines your future life and how well one could live in the present by completely utilizing it and forget about the past and the future, more often than not, decides ones quality of life in the future.

The 2 false illusions about the PRESENT that have been terribly ruining the success of many people are spread on the table for you and they are:

1. Worrying about the end-result:
Majority of the people, except those few who know the secret, worry about the end-result after they have made a decision to do something and then started to do it.

They forget to concentrate on doing the task at hand to the best of their ability because they are concentrating on the FUTURE: The END-RESULT! Or they concentrate on their past failures and start doubting themselves at the PRESENT moment rather than fully concentrating on doing the job at hand as best as possible.

The truth is our conscious mind can do only one task at a time efficiently and that’s what we are expected, to be successful. Just one thing at a time to be successful!

2. Having the false notion that we ought to do too many things at a moment to be successful:
Multi-tasking has become the fashion of the age. Now, it’s okay to be able to do many things at a time if the need arises, but in reality, most of the time we don’t really need to be a multi-tasker. This is the cause of all worries and anxieties.

In fact, successful men/women always give their full-fledged attention to one project at a time.
When you think that you ought to do many things at a time, you are cramming your conscious mind which in effect will stop the creative mechanism in you. You wouldn’t be able to come up with a solution when your mind is jammed with “did’s” and “Will be’s”.

You are worried about the great amount of work that’s before you; the list of to-do’s that you have virtually created in your mind which urges you to take 3 or 4 actions at a time!

But once you have planned your to-do list, forget them and just concentrate on the PRESENT assignment.

For instance, assume you are mowing your lawn. At the same time your mind jumps in to the future and thinks about the dentist appointment you have tomorrow and starts to have those jittery feeling about it. Then in a jiff, it leaps to your past and thinks about the rejection you have experienced from a prospect buyer yesterday.

It’s all in the visual images that you bring forth about the past and the future that destroys your PRESENT. If you visualize scores of problems or duties lying ahead that need to be addressed, according to you, at once, you’d naturally become so hurried!

If the children are taught this powerful principle, they’d become a top-class citizen and great human beings resulting in a stress-free  society that’s full of first-rate in all the field.

Once you have started to convince yourself about this reality/truth that if we do one thing at a time our progress will be faster and our work will be of higher quality, you would by then have banished your worries, anxieties and other depressed feelings.

Just try this today:  Concentrate on one thing at a time and never scatter your focus on other things. Do this for all the activities be it in your job or spending time with your children. You are sure to find a new feeling of poise in you and have relieved yourself from worries or stress of any kind.

You become like a sage when you practice this philosophy—you become more patient, will not be in a hurry, develop impeccable concentration and more than anything else be free from stress and worries.

Does this mean that you shouldn’t think about your past or future?

Of course not, the only moment where you could think about your past or your future is your PRESENT moment and that too only for planning your future or reviewing something about your past; definitely not to worry or become anxious about them.

Once you have planned or reviewed, just forget about them and enter the next stage: The execution stage. That’s where your PRESENT comes in to the scene. This execution part depends up on how well you could concentrate on your present and how well you could avoid being overwhelmed by your past or future.

Get yourself and your beloved ones PRESENTS for your new attitude that you have put on now.

Think one thought at a time, do one thing at a time and be one-of-a-kind at all times.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

Thursday, October 29, 2009

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—“Mind”, masterfully mind your mind—Day 4

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—“Mind”, masterfully mind your mind—Day 4

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—“Mind”, masterfully mind your mind—Day 4

(The ideas that have been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the fourth principle)

Your mind is that magical machine that is the first one to witness the things that happens in your life. Your mind is that inner world that manufactures the blue print of anything and everything for you that is to be later expressed in the outer world.

The end result could be far better when one keeps the unit that produces the end result: MIND.

Thus when you can rule over your mind you can simultaneously rule over your external world and thereby have that complete control over where you are going, and how you are going as well!

Nature is that your minds door will always  be knocked by both the good thoughts and the bad thoughts. The bad thoughts when they enter your premises of mind will put a brake to your running mind and disturb its serenity and efficiency. That’s one of the primary reasons why a person with a fuzzy mind wouldn’t be as efficient as he/she would be when he/she is in complete peace of mind.

That is to say your ATTITUDE determines your performance and the kind of actions you take, and thereby your results.

The good news- you can always choose your attitude when you can have control over your mind, and to take control over your mind is a decision that you could take today!

The difference between people who are successful and who are struggling to find what to do to be more successful is that the successful people will inevitably choose their attitude and their mentality irrespective of the external conditions, good or bad.

When your outcome in your life depends largely on your mindset and how you perceive the situations, it’s rather very important that you have control over your thoughts and attitude. Once you were able to do this, you’ll have the kind of control on life that you hadn’t known before.

Study after study confirm the fact, in unison, that thoughts literally make up your life and fortunately for us great books about thoughts have already been written down by great authors like James Allen, Charles F.Haanel, etc.

Plato and Aristotle knew this simple yet powerful secret of mind back in those days and they themselves served as fine examples of  the power of thoughts.

If you would just take the time and write down the things that you want to change in your life, study them and just change your attitude and approach toward them, you may accidentally discover many things toward that problem and eventually come up with the ideal solution.

External conditions can control the life of cats, cows, birds and insects, but certainly not you! For you are not bound by the same pattern of life like other animals but can change your pattern or approach by changing your thoughts. You have that thinking capacity!

2 things basically affect your external how and why things happen around you. They are:

1. Your attitude

2. Your collective understanding of the world.

For both of these factors to assist you, to be a blessing to you as opposed to a curse to you, you have to feed them with positive, healthy and divine thoughts.

You first “experience” a situation and then make decisions about the world. These decisions are then filed in your brain which is your second factor stated above. They are kept in a database for future reference. If you perceive a situation as destruction or worse than what it is, then it is recorded as such. But the trick here is that all the great men/women always try to look at any situation in the positive light.

Experience we get from news, learning, parental examples, social groups, etc. determine what is cultivated in our mind—good or bad.  The key is to get as much positive food to our mind and avoid as much negative weeds as possible.

Changing your mind is the key point. Reacting from your values rather from the environment and feelings will make you a much better person and a rigid one who don’t sway by his/her external conditions.

So, changing your mind through the thoughts you think and avoid is that first giant step to a complete revamp of your life. What you visualize often determine your result. Visualizing positive things will allow you to take actions in a positive way and as a result produces results that support you.

Operate you mind machinery efficiently from today!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Peter Anand

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Today is a new beginning

Today is new beginning, for you have shed your old skin, and have become a new man or woman…

Today is a new beginning, for you are going to try all that you can and never be worried about the results…

Today is a new beginning, for you have become a man or woman who is full of purpose and know where you are going…

Today is a new beginning, for you have quit being troubled by your past and have started to live one day at a time…

Today is a new beginning, for you will stick to a thing till you master it and complete it with flying colors…

Today is a new beginning, for from today on, yes! From today on nobody can stop you from achieving what you want!!

Today is a new beginning, for you will use every minute of the day to lift you up and to bring a change in you to a better you…

Today is a new beginning, for you will never retreat or quit from your ideals on the face of adversity and problems—never!

Today is a new beginning, for you believe that pure love toward other fellow-men and women is a unique character of the greats…

Today is a new beginning, for you are honest and just in all the transactions you are involved…

Today is a new beginning, for you are punctual in everything you do, wherever you go and whoever you meet…

Today is a new beginning, for you know the power of team work than doing things individually…

Today is a new beginning, for every hour passing you are stepping upward one more step on the staircase to your wonder world!

Today is a new beginning, for your thinking is of the highest order and not that of the wicked and evil…

Today is a new beginning, for you encourage others and yourself for the welfare of all…

Today is a new beginning, for you are constantly developing the skills and knowledge needed for your success…

Today is a new beginning, for you are more committed than yesterday in your job and all other areas of life…

Today is a new beginning, for you are constantly and strongly moving forward inch by inch toward your destination…

Today is a new beginning, for you are continually striving to make yourself to be a better person than you were before…

Today is a new beginning, for you are on a constant guard against malice thoughts and spoken words that may come from everywhere…

Today is a new beginning, for you have always been known as a man or woman who puts extra effort in whatever you do!

For you everyday is a new beginning that awaits your arrival to be taken in your hands and be honored by the way you live and by being an exemplary example to the generations to follow!

You don’t carry yesterday’s defeat with you today but only the lesson you learned from that defeat, and yesterday’s victory too cannot make you so proud so as to hinder your future progress for you have become so poised and completely insulated from the side-effects of both the victories and defeats…

The days in your life are numbered one at a time but at the end of your journey you will have a set of days that you would have lived more meaningfully and more usefully for yourself and others as well.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

Saturday, October 17, 2009

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy —“change”, your constant companion —Day 3

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—“change”, your constant companion —Day 3

(The ideas that have been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the third principle)

Many talk about their country’s economy and still many more talk about the depletion of the ozone layer. Nothing much can be done immediately about economy and the depletion of the ozone layer.

But a great deal of thing can be done and taken effect about one’s attitude when he or she decides to take control of his or her attitude and choose the attitude that supports that person. Attitude change is important because it puts a person in a resourceful state.

So what’s great about being in a resourceful state?

Significant changes can happen for better when one is in a resourceful state. It’s the difference between being fair and being the best. And because one’s state largely affects the decisions that person takes.

What action one can be expected to take if he or she is fearful?

Obviously none or only a little!

If the result  a person is getting is not satisfactory, the only way to get a different result is by “Change”

Changing the attitude…

Changing how one acts or reacts…

Changing the approach…

And in the end, changing the state and emotion one is in…

The main switch which controls all others is in the “Change”

If you are depressed or angry, you are in a unresourceful state. Now your body language clearly has changed. Your tone of voice and the way you think as well.

Now, if your emotion produces certain changes in your body language, in your thinking and acting, then… the other way round should also be true!

Acting “as if” can change the emotions and the current state. When experiencing fear , act as if you are courageous, and sure enough you will be in a short while.

Your body language will change supported by a change in thoughts and actions.

Actions and feelings go together. If you pinch one , the other would cry, meaning there’s always a response accordingly.

If you want to be confident, “act as if” the confidence is “already there”.

So, once one was able to produce the state or the emotions one wants, it can have considerable impact on one’s life and even can defy many natural phenomenon and conventional beliefs. One classic example is of

Norman Cousins, who overcame a degenerative disease through “laughter”, which he was able to summon at will by changing his states and attitude through conscious efforts by watching funny clips and laughing.

The author of the book “Go thunk yourself” Dr. Robert C. Worstell himself has done research in smiling alone, by making himself and others to smile as often as possible. He recorded all the results of his research in a journal, and at the end of the year, to his astonishment, when he compared the recorded notes he found that he had become more cheerful and that too habitually!

Changing your attitude, or your current mental state means taking “action” as opposed to giving your life in to the hands of “chances”.

Ability to consciously change your attitude and approach means having control over your mind, which by any standard is the greatest accomplishment you’d ever have because, incidentally, it’s the starting point of all the riches in your life.

Change is the only thing that has been with everyone  and at every event all through the history.
Whenever a new product or new invention happens that means “The status quo” is not encouraged and not satisfactory.

Dos operating system changed and we got windows…

Old flying methods changed and we got modern airplanes…

Concepts in Civil Engineering changed and we got skyscrapers…

And why leave the greatest thing, that needs change more than any other things– us! We make changes in other things but it is more important to make changes in our self for better consistently!

So when you have a “Reason” to change (1st principle), have brought forth the habit of  “Thinking” continually for yourself  (2nd principle) and then “changing” (3rd principle) whenever needed, you are already half way on your expressway to your success and a “wow” life!

Change your attitude, your mental conditioning and be the change you want to be.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Thursday, October 15, 2009

People are your mobile libraries

People are your mobile libraries:

On his or her way towards ones success, an individual becomes more and more knowledgeable, gets more and more bright like a star and more and more a man and woman, who are finally finding their niche in this world after having been a serious student of his or her life.

They become increasingly perfect than they were before. Their character, attitude, morality, knowledge, demeanor, etc, become further polished and more matured, and keep on soaring high, that one day it would become a raging fire spreading itself to whoever comes into contact with it.

Overall, they come closer and closer to their ultimate self to which they are capable of.  Their life ends on a grand note, that some people around them wonder how they have been able to display such a shining example of a character, and others lament that they couldn’t be as great as they are, thinking they are not made of that kind of stuff.

Do you believe that you are not of the same stuff of any individuals that have ever achieved marvelous things?

If the answer to the above question is “NO”D instead of a nod, then I kindly request you to revise and reverse your decision.

They may have gone a little bit farther than you, on the road of success through their continuous learning and meticulous work, but you can always reach where they have reached and experience what they have experienced.

Many of these people of high competence often have the habit of learning something good from others with whoever they get an association with, even if it’s only for a brief time.

Like a book, which is one of the vehicles to nourish and stuff your brain with all the information you need to revolutionize your current situation, learning from people is another very effective fantastic way to make yourself more valuable and increase your glow of your character and moral values.

In spite of their vices, any person is unfailingly and gracefully blessed with something good, that’s either very pronounced or ordinary.

There is not even a single person from whom you cannot learn at least one single good character trait or anything that is good. (And also you could identify the bad things and avoid them in your life)

Make your public place, a mobile library that you can read and learn from the walking tomes, which are your inmates of this world—the people around you.

Your home, your office, your school or college, your neighbors, even someone who may loathe you can be a pond of water from which you could quench your thirst for knowledge, continually, to becoming a better you.

One way of efficiently learning something good is by giving a sincere compliment. You can make it a habit to identify good points in others and sincerely compliment them. What you compliment others, the same thing you could start internalizing for yourself as well, provided if you like that good thing in that person.

The more one sincerely give compliments, the more one can learn and improve.

What one could learn from the people around him or her?

Well, one could learn discipline, punctuality, stoicism, tolerance, patience, humility, openness,  and billions of amazing things from others. (If you learn humility from others, just copy the “virtue” humility and not the way they behave, for you may lose your “own identity” and “being yourself”)

One learns a “Virtue” or a character trait and they do it in their “Own” way, and not imitating the gestures and body language of that person from whom that person learns a new virtue or anything useful.
Here’s one drop from the ocean of many examples of people who had the habit of learning something from others.

Benjamin Franklin, the brilliant statesman and prolific writer, cultivated 13 virtues, working on one virtue per week. The virtues, by the way, he observed from the men that he thought to be his role models. He tried till his death to the best of his ability to abide by these virtues. These virtues contributed enormously to his achievements.

Learn from others and become a mobile “good-virtues and great-habits encyclopedia”.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Saturday, October 10, 2009

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—Ignite your thunking capacity—Day 2

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy—Ignite your thunking capacity—Day 2

(The ideas that  has been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the second principle)

Thinking for yourself is the point of enlightenment and it is apt to say that a person literally breaks the shackles of external influences that make him to think their way!

T.V., News paper, Sales force, etc, are some of the external forces to whom people involuntarily give their thinking rights. These external forces are quite rightly doing their jobs but along the way it’s that man or woman of that society that stops to think (Or should I say “Thunk”) for themselves and for their wonderful life and unconsciously take decisions which don't originate from their own thinking.

Their “reasoning” and “Decision making” faculties goes for a long vacation and had to be invoked when an emergency situation in a person’s life arises when they must take a major or a vital decision on their “Own”.
But when a person starts to think on their “Own way” and not been influenced by any external forces, they are actually changing their mind and giving it a new facelift. They become a thinking machine who literally has that push button that opens several avenues in life.

There were times in the history of the world where people of this planet were great thinkers who raised their thinking to such a level so as to find, invent and discover great things pretty frequently—great during their times.

Many compromise their thinking for friendship, convenience, safety, loyalty, etc. Your friend may say that you need to buy a blue t-shirt, whereas you may already possess 2 blue color t-shirts. Now, rather than accepting to buy that blue t-shirt for your friend’s sake just think for a little while. You would come to a conclusion that buying the same color would be an utter waste, so the best way is to convince your friend and “thinking for yourself” a new color that you may like.

With a little bit of practice, one can get back to their higher form of thinking and making decision on his or her own and become a serious thinker.

One exercise which could bring a drastic change is thinking no thoughts for some while as a form of exercise. This may be a bit difficult at first, as thoughts would crowd in with out your permission! But with time and training, you could actually do the once-impossible. This is to prove that thoughts could be controlled.

We are the governors—governors of our thoughts and decision making.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Substitute hard work for ——-?

Sometimes we need to substitute or replace one thing for another in order to get better results and at other times we may want to substitute things to make life easier.

If you want you could replace an old car with a new more comfortable one. If you don’t like your mobile phone you could get another model. If you are angry you can replace it with love or patience or both.

This great virtue hard-work which can lift anyone on the face of this planet to enormous height in their life, regardless of their background and education, cannot be replaced or substituted with anything. If it ever could be replaced with any other thing, then that “Other” thing would be a “Hard work” as well.

There is no substitute for hard work. Many people who started out their life as under dogs emerged as super dogs( Elite man or woman) with just one element they essentially had in their arsenal: HARD WORK.
They really accomplished what they really had thought wasn’t possible when they started out their life. But with hard work as their major tool and hope, they overcame many odds and proved to the world that they deserved what they achieved.

Hard work may seem like it is a strain and laborious but the fact is, with the passage of time, one would start to keep on rolling in any endeavor as if they discovered a magic wand. They would have discovered many of their hidden talents in the process of industriously working towards a particular goal or goals, which otherwise would have been latent all through their life. Hard work brings the talent to the surface and polishes it like a diamond.

More often than not, it is this piece of the puzzle that eludes many people who are very eager to touch zeniths. But it could also be said that hard work is essentially present in all the pieces of the puzzle. It is the essence. Without hard work, other pieces of puzzle will lack that “push”, that “Master touch”.

“Sweat, sweat, sweat and that’s your life’s best bet
You are now wet, wet, wet and everything for your success is set
And there you go, piercing the sky like a jet, jet, jet!”

The satisfaction that one drives from working hard is boundless and unexplainable unless it is experienced by the individual.Life will be fulfilled and satiated.

The Bible says,

Do you know a hard working man? He shall be successful and stand before kings!

Proverbs 22:29

(Applies for man and woman alike)

Hard work in the right direction with a lot of innovative thinking will make you smart. He or she will proceed or advance quickly and strongly. Hard work actually often transforms one in to a smarter human being and mentors him or her to take smart steps. Hard work teaches one gradually how to do a thing in the best fashion and in the optimal way.

The products that come from hard work will withstand the test of time. Michelangelo’s work is paragon of what effect hard work could produce to the person who utilizes it and others who’s been fascinated towards it. So are the works of Beethoven and Steve Jobs.  Even time wouldn’t be able to use it’s eraser against a work that’s a result of hard work.

If luck was a big concert then hard work’s a VIP who is most welcome. Wherever there’s hard work, luck seems to beg for an ally with the person.

“Perspire today; inspire others tomorrow and you won’t expire forever.”

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Voices of labyrinth and your innate strength

Voices of labyrinth and your innate strength

They may say that you are good for nothing
They may always try to pull you down
They may scoff at every endeavor you take, great or small
But, it is what you say and think about yourself that counts, every single time…

They may sometimes backstab you
And they will mock at your weaknesses
They have always wanted you to surrender to their will
But it is how you respond to their wicked ways that is more important

They may try to take control of your mind
And without fail they look for ways to sap your vital energy
They will be happy if you have negative self-image
But, it is ultimately where you go for a refuge: to the kingdom of light or darkness

They may poison the faith of your family and friends in you
They laugh at every slip that you will encounter in your life
They will try to sidetrack you from your sincere efforts towards success
But, it is frequently remembering  your job on earth  that will put you in the driver’s seat

They will hit you suddenly, when least expected, to see your downfall
At times they will shout at you saying that you are a born-failure
They will make sure that you don’t take any steps and stay dormant
But it is where you place your confidence that matters— in you or in them

They won’t want you to use your treasure that you have in yourself
They will do in all their power to create a false picture of life
They hurt you and keep on doing it until they could see you are dead
But, beloved, it is knowing that you shouldn’t quit, that  will terminate them

For these are the negative “inner voices”, that little devils that talk to you
Saying and doing all the deeds to hinder you from progressing
From having even a normal life that’s your birth right

For these voices of destruction don’t know what you have, or what you are!
They chase you until you keep running from them in despair
But… stop abruptly! And turn back, for now they are running away from you
And gone! Gone with the wind!!

For no force of demolition could take you down
When you make an alliance with your real self
The voices would become voiceless and speechless
And by then all their vices against you are hopeless!
And in your supreme beauty you are spotless!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Your belief in yourself is in your hands

Take a look at history! All that have been achieved were achieved by men and women who thought they could and who believed in themselves with all their heart. If you have a child in your home or if you notice the activities of a child, you could understand how it learns many things in such a short time.

A child always concentrates on the things that have to be done and it does them with full conviction that it could it could do that thing. A child doesn’t, even for a second doubt its abilities. It tries….it fails…then tries again…again fails…then tries again… and keeps on trying until it succeeds.

Those successful men and women throughout  the history, and those today somehow retained this character from their childhood. People like Roger Federer, Tiger woods, Mother Teresa, Muhammad Ali, Mahatma Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Helen Keller, Andrew Carnegie, Bill gates, Nelson Mandela, Michael Jackson, etc. always had unshakeable faith in themselves and they took action because of that faith.

Roger Federer has won more than a dozen grand slams. Every time he serves one could actually see the strength of his mind. He is so convinced that most of the time he could produce an ace and indeed he does produce aces most of the time. And the mind boggling shots he produces seem to come from no where, but actually  it has to do with his belief in himself and in his game.

These warriors of life always approach the life with such an intensity that the fate becomes a loyal pet to them obeying their commands of how they want their life to be lived. Nobody whould have served this world like  Mother Teresa did. She did things which clearly reflected the power of human potential.

The talents they displayed were developed after they understood what their talents were, followed by harnessing and developing them. But they took the massive action in the right direction just because they believed in themselves.

When you start to believe in yourself, then this whole world cannot do a thing to stop you in achieving the things that you are destined to achieve.

There will be some days in a person’s life where he or she thinks that they are inadequate. Inadequate for the World, inadequate for their friends and relatives, inadequate for their job or business, inadequate as a husband or wife, etc. This point in their life is the robber which robs their belief in themselves. They start to take a new direction with out knowing it. If they only knew that it’s a temporary mind-set  and said that “This too shall pass” and “ I am bigger than all my problems combined together”.

The phenomenal businessman Henry Ford once said,

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

The opposing forces will try to stop you from taking action, from believing in your natural God-given talent (Every body has a talent) and even making you to believe that you were born to be a failure.

Just pick all those things up, gather them and go to the nearest trash bin and drop them there. It always will be false and deceiving. When a person couldn’t be normally penetrated by all the distractions, then it is confirm that he or she has mastered their mind.

No negative, degrading, discouraging information could disturb this super soldier. They all bounce off from his mind like bullets bouncing off from steel. Belief in you is always the starting point to develop that rock hard mind where nothing could penetrate.

Your days will be a history for the future generation and you could very well be an inspirational historical figure for them!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge...