Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Things to Grow With

Good Things to Grow With

Souls all over, crying for guidance and help

To learn the way of successful life!

God, not mean but daring and caring, has put

pages of guidelines everywhere and on everything!

Like a woodpecker which consistently pecks the tree
and never giving up

Like a cascading waterfalls generating enormous power
displaying the impact of channeled resources

Like a well-directed stone from a sling that is blind to left and right
Spot on and sees only the destination

Like a beam of morning light shining into the room
giving the dwellers brand-new vision and happiness and a new day

Like a gushy wind blowing through the battalion of
flowers and creating harmony and synergy and joy!

Like a heavy rain falling to the ground and
always nurturing many things regardless of their origin

Like a solid anvil absorbing the shock courageously
to shape up the metal thus producing a useful product

Like a monitor lizard that firmly holds onto the rock
representing the importance of sticking to good character

Keep liking good things like these and others alike!

Like them and you would become like them

Like them and you would learn from them

These things… they are something and do something!

But you—the greatest creation can do everything and be anything!!

So legitimately do something and be something

Without fail, you’ll have many things!!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge...