Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Important Aspect of Your Life

One of the primary reasons of failure is the failure to “touch” others inner core.

We have tremendous power when we achieve big goals, because we become larger, both individually and as a group. And to achieve big goals, we ought to work together (bringing various people in to join forces).

But we also need people because we are all human beings and each and everyone us are created to share things together and to give and receive love. But this business aspect becomes one of the reasons that we don’t open up with others and are always on guard against cheating or betrayal or anything of the kind.

It’s a good thing, but successful companies don’t do it that way and so are most of the successful people.

Successful people are really result-oriented but they also care deeply and TRULY for their people. By and large, they are so polite, caring and are compassionate.

Whereas those who seem to lack that peace of mind when with people or those who always find fault with others, or someone who doesn’t seem to be interested in others are generally don’t care for others, and in a nutshell they are not really interested in others.

One reason for these tendencies is that people have this habit of “expecting” something from others and if those others don’t have what they expect then they consciously or unconsciously start to dislike those people or quite often try to avoid them and get over with them!!

What a great human flaw this would be!!

This expectation may be a “thing” like some rare and expensive books that that particular person may have which you have planned to own or some “skill” which you may have thought could be utilized for your own purpose for a much cheaper (or even free) price or it could be the “influence” that person may command which you previously may have thought to utilize for your goals.

Whatever it may be, when these people come to understand that that person no more has what they have wanted or no more can give you what they want, these people start to shy away from that person or start to treat him/her differently or lose interest in him/her. They may very well be doing it unconsciously.

This springs from the “expectation” mentality that one had when one started the relationship with that person. 

But, to be a good leader or a good person, you really don’t act or think that way and that’s not how the greatest people in the world history did it or doing it.

The true mark of a great man/woman is TRUE love for others, like Jesus Christ. They care for others, they really don’t get along with others for the sake of some other benefit. But they really like others, want to share life with others and want to work together with others for the sake of achieving wonderful things in life.

Being on guard24/7 and suspecting everyone to the point that it becomes too much for the person who practices this is also a very negative habit or thought pattern that sabotages ones success.

So, the solution would be to really CARE for others, be they your customers or employees or co-workers or anyone for that matter.

NEVER expect anything from others. Listen to others’ point of view with real care. You would be loved to do so. After all, God created us to care for each other.

Whoever you meet from now on, focus on their “inner self." Understanding others first is the most important factor to being at peace with people and being a super person in terms of relationships.

Your life, I am sure, will take new meaning when your approach and mindset toward people changes.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings 

Success Park Publishers 

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