Saturday, January 30, 2010

You can change your present if you want

Have you been thinking for a long time now that your situation is very bad and you seem to be arriving no where?

Have your friends or your relatives been saying that you have wasted a lot of time in your life and don’t stand a chance to live a fulfilled life like that little Sam next door or your classmate Nikita?

Is your debt strangling you and confined you to a corner and not allowing you to move your left or right?

Are you not making any prominent progress in any or all the areas of your life?

Does your life look dark and dismal causing you to feel depressed, hopeless that you have come to the decision that this is the end of the world for you?

Or do you think that you cannot earn more money and happiness in your life?

Now, just consider your situation(s) just one more time!

Isn’t these conditions are only our present conditions?

Yes they are and remember… always remember this truth:

Your present situation has nothing to do with your future!

If there was one line of truth that could set you free it’s the line you just read.

What you are today is the result of your thinking, your choices and your actions that you took in the past.

You cannot be confined to the cell of worries or poverty or ill-health. You have the CHOICE to choose what you want and how you want your life to be!

Just realizing the fact that you have taken some steps in the past that have resulted in the present conditions and realities in your life, and the new decisions and actions that you take today in a different promising direction MUST change your future according to how you want it, will give the kind of boost you need in your life.

Remember that you are not created to be passive and failure all through your life. Neither do you lack the necessary power to change your life today. You have been bestowed with
All that you NEED to take back control of all that you have lost and transform your life as you wish and become a brand new man or woman starting today!

Start to think differently. Start to think like the successful and daring ones do. Start to do what you have been hesitating to do but know that you will bring riches if you did it. Do them… Just do them!

Start to plan well for your new life from this moment, for every new change should start immediately and executed. Start to make plans and the steps that have to be taken to execute those plans. You’ll very rapidly know that you are changing for the better!

Start to know your purpose and think of it all the time making it an obsession. There is no fixed rule that only men or women could adopt a purpose only when they are still in their 20’s or 30’s. A worth while purpose could be adopted at any age by anyone and could be successfully reached by any means!

Earl Nightingale, the success emperor, once revealed the secret and what he said is,

“All you have got to do is plant that seed in your mind, care for it, work steadily toward your goal, and it will become a reality.”

One might have drifted for a long time in his/her life but when he/she adopts a purpose like Earl Nightingale said, foster it, nurture it, and devoted to its achievement all day long then he has no chance, not even in a million to fail!

But he/she cannot help but succeed.

To conclude, never forget that you have all the potential in you, maybe dormant, nevertheless once it is invoked through the right decisions today such as adopting a purpose and taking right choices and prompt actions, you’ll know that you can change your life against any sort of fate!!

Break a leg!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nuggets from “As a man thinketh” by James Allen

(Explanation to the 5th chapter of “As a man thinketh”)

The thought-factor in achievement

James was offered an once-in-a-lifetime proposition a couple of years back to do a business. He rejected the offer.

Later, the reason he told was:

“The business was lucrative but I was not sure whether I could handle the pressure and also I believe that only a person who has more experience than me could do it. The business needs that I got to undergo training frequently to update and improve myself. That I can’t do as I have been very bad in learning something new since my childhood and I don’t think I could dedicate a lot of time for learning. I also cannot bring myself to think that I could succeed in that business!”

Now after couple of years have passed now one of his former business rivals, a man named Philips who was also doing the same business as James grabbed the opportunity and now he is earning 6 to 7 times than James do. It is not comparison but it is a clear illustration that what your OWN THOUGHTS could do to you!!

In fact, Philips had less experience than James when he accepted the business offer. But his thoughts helped him to achieve great results whereas James’ thoughts left him guilty as he is regretting that he has missed out an opportunity. (But he will always have a chance to better his life and that’s different topic.)
James Allen mentions this in the lines,

“All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieves is the direct result of his own thoughts.”
This applies as equally to women as it is to men.

So, the bottom line is whatever the condition or result that one may have it is always the DIRECT RESULT of his/her thoughts.

Ones weaknesses and strength, purity and impurity are the result of your own thoughts. So what you will achieve in the future will be based on what your thoughts are!

If you feel that you lack something or need to become more, just get the helping hands from all those people who can help you. But ultimately it is up to you to take the efforts and use all the advice that you have got from others and that is in your hands alone. Only you can alter your condition.

Lift up your thoughts to achieve and take control:

When people have high thoughts, generous in nature and not selfish, then there wouldn’t be the victim or the one who inflicts.

So, high thinking and not degrading yourself by lowly thoughts is the sure way for massive achievements.

So start cleaning up the mess by dumping the bad thoughts and adopting thoughts that would help you to achieve massive results.

The cleaning may also involve CONTROLLING your thoughts after dumping the negative and limiting ones. One who is indulgence, confused, selfish couldn’t just think CLEARLY and thereby wouldn’t be able to take control of his/her business, job, personal relationships or the steps toward success.
You should always be a man/woman who is well balances and clear with your thoughts before you make it for any big stage!!

So what are you doing there when you DUMP your lowly thoughts?


Nothing worth could be achieved without sacrifice.

When you have SACRIFICED the bad thoughts what are you left with?

You are left with a clutter-free mind and good thoughts.

So what could you do now?

You could now fix your mind on your plans, your vision, your goals, and whatever worthy ideals toward which you move on.

Your self-reliance and self-confidence would get consolidated.
The simple truth is:

“The higher you lift your thoughts, the higher will be your success”

This is regardless of the famous adage that is a great misleader,

“Dog eats dog”.

You don’t have to be mean but exactly on the other side.

Keep your thoughts higher despite how this world is and you will succeed.

This is because this universe doesn’t favor the dishonest, greedy, or mean or any bad forces but only the true, honest and pure, though it may seem on the surface that the greedy and selfish are winning!! To achieve big things have big heart and good thoughts.

This truth has been declared unanimously by all the teachers ever since the dawn of the recorded history.

A man said to a sage,

“I have earned millions of dollars. You know what! I could earn this money only by being selfish, a bit greedy. Also you got be dishonest with your dealings with others. That is the secret of my fortune.”

Now the sage said,

“You would have been a billionaire by now had you been honest, generous and magnanimous!”

This story is not farfetched but the exact truth depiction what you could achieve with good, empowering thoughts. Mr. Warren Buffet is the leading example of this!!

Good thoughts favor you in developing a noble character which is the backbone of all achievements, for any sort actions that you take deals with human beings and character talks for you.

The next thing is that after one ascends to big heights it is important that he/she maintains the success.

It is only by watchfulness of his/her thoughts.

Believe that you have deserved the victory and that now all you got to do is to keep positive thoughts and belief in yourself.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Success: Have you found your lighthouse yet? PART-1

When you were in school your teachers were like your foster parents. As most of the people spent most of the active time as a children in school, most of them know the importance of a teacher not just in teaching but making you an emotionally and mentally a better person.

Assume that that the small children have to learn all by themselves from the basics to more complicated stuff through computers and in the absence of a teacher.

For one thing, it would be impossible for the children to learn at all in the absence of a teacher early on. Many would turn out to be a “Half-baked” stuff.

But fortunately we have teachers in schools and colleges to guide and mentor us.

But ones life doesn’t end there, does it?

In fact, your real life starts when you set out into the world to prove what you are capable of, unfold your God-given gifts, to realize your passionate dreams and make an indelible mark in this world by helping others and in the process earning all the riches that life could offer.

When you are plunging yourself into the world of achievements and successes, it is of imperative importance to have someone who has already been successfully swimming in the pool of success, especially in your line of endeavor most probably. One who can teach you where to go and what to do apart from the primary fact of being a great source of massive, perennial inspiration.

That’s why you need a MENTOR all along. Not just for causing you to succeed in your endeavor but also to connect with you on a personal level so as to share experiences, lessons, facts, and emotions during varying times of ups and downs in your success odyssey.

Whether one is working in a job, or doing a business or a home-maker who is making an effort to learn a new vocational skill, to sculpture a better body, stay fit or learn a new skill or learn something so as to be of much more valuable to the spouse or children or neighbors, or one who is a student who is studying and preparing himself/herself for a brighter life– everyone needs a guide or a compass or a lighthouse who could show the way—the right way!!

Jesus mentored His disciples during His earthly life and they all learned a great deal about life and people from Him. He showed them the way and what to do and how to do!!

There’s this Indian epic called Mahabharata in which one the protagonist characters called Arjuna was a prodigy in the art of archery. Arjuna’s mentor was a man by the name Guru Dronacharya. Arjuna was the best archer during his time except for another man called Ekalavya. Nevertheless, both of them were the greatest in the archery just because they both realized the importance of a mentor to their success and the amount of respect and belief they had in their mentor. The ENTHUSIASM they displayed whenever they were in the archery class.

Ekalavya was even greater than Arjuna in one sense in that he had Dronacharya as his mentor not by being with Dronacharya and learning all the skills but, as a lower caste boy who couldn’t even dream of being a disciple of Dronacharya, he learned by watching from quite a distance Dronacharya teaching Arjuna and others the art of Archery. He had the underlying talent but it was brought to the front, indirectly, only by a mentor!

This proves that you can achieve any kind of success with a mentor as your guide as both Arjuna and Ekalavya developed their skill to the highest level. It is more appropriate to have a mentor for your success in our modern age.

Many mistake that only the mentor is the giver and not the beneficiary. But in truth, the GURU-DISCIPLE relationship is a much pristine one and without any expectations.

It’s not just that your mentor give you or help you in your business or job or life by his/her advises and direction but also you two share your true emotions, facts, life experiences on a personal level so that their would be that divine presence in your relationship which lifts your relationship beyond just an association. One can assist the mentor whenever he/she can and must! Now that’s a two-way relationship.

So what are primary raison d’ĂȘtre that a man or woman should have a mentor for his/her success in life?

Coming next for your success!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Success: Have you found your lighthouse yet? PART-2

The following are the facts for your notes which really emphasize the importance of having a mentor or a guru in your life:

1. Your mentor will have the bird-view:

Your mentor knows where you are and where you got to go. With out him/her, most probably, a man or woman who has goals and striving toward achieving them cannot have the “Big picture”. But more often than not your mentor can see you or your progress from a different angle.

They teach you what else you got to do and what to avoid. This saves you a lot of time spent in the wrong direction.

2. Your mentor is a perennial source of inspiration:

In the first place, you would have requested someone to be your mentor or had longed to have him/her to be your mentor because you may have been inspired by him/her in some way.

You may be inspired by the way he/she does his/her job skillfully, the knowledge he/she has in the field of your interest, or it may be because he/she may have a good heart or great character which you idolize.

In this world everything great is achieved by two things: enthusiasm and having a person or a thing as a role model. From your mentor you get both of these. And when you could be enthused and have a person who is the quintessence of your dreams, you will always succeed and move toward your goals at a rapid pace than if you didn’t have a mentor.

3. You wouldn’t know the opportunities:

You wouldn’t know the opportunities and choices that could be utilized for your progress. People who are moving rapidly in the society are the ones who utilize the opportunities and know the choices before them.

These successful people know what’s available in their business, or job.With a mentor by your side, with his/her years of experience who could furnish you with the choices and opportunities you have, you too would become a successful man/woman. Many successful men/women have attributed their early-on successes to the opportunities they came to know from their mentors!

A mentor can tell you what the books you must read or what classes or workshop you must attend in your field that will have a positive impact in your life or whom to seek so as to develop your business or what choice to make or what things to avoid at a certain stage in your development.

4. Your mentors experience can save you many years:

You will learn from him/her what it took him/her many years to learn, all credit to the good will of your mentor. Thus you could save years of time from learning from your mentor’s experience. As he/she should have come past the same lane you are now, he/she can teach you the nuances and the mistakes you got to avoid. Just one idea from your mentor could change your life drastically, which otherwise you would have failed to notice or even conceive! Your mentor already has the map you need or can create one for your success!!

5. Your standard improves:

By being with your mentor, by sharing things with him/her, by watching him/her closely excelling in the same field where you want to make a mark, by learning from him, by exposing to new ideas and lessons that he/she has to teach you, your standard will improve. And importantly it won’t slip which is one of the several reasons that why many couldn’t do excellently as they had done before!

Hold his/her hands and let him/her lead the way. When he/she walks, you try to walk. When he/she jogs, though you may find a bit inconvenient, by any means try to jog! When he/she runs, even if it may be difficult at first, just try to run. Just do things with him/her and in no time you will be able to follow your mentor without much strain because your standard would have improved by then.

The next 5 more points of advantages of having a mentor follows in the next and final part.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Success: Have you found your lighthouse yet? PART-3

6. Procrastination is eradicated:

With your mentor(s) around you chances of procrastination is largely reduced putting you among the very rare percentage of people who do things when they ought to be done. This will give you that satisfactory feeling which in turn boosts you for further success.

7. Further success is easy if you have a mentor:

Many people after achieving great success fail to retain them just because they don’t have a clue how and where to go from there.  But a mentor guiding you like a binocular that guides people enabling them to see “Long distances” your mentor could give you advice and instructions on how and where to proceed, and what kind of course to take.

8. You get the feeling of gratitude:

Being grateful to your mentor is really one of the greatest blessings that you could have. Gratitude is what that would keep you in closeness with your God or that higher power which gives you, most of the time as if by magic, all that you desire in your life. By being grateful to your mentor, you are essentially opening up the life forces that provide you the success and the good blessings that you need. This is not for the sake of giving thanks but from the heart for all the benefits that you have got from your mentor in the way of learning, happiness, satisfaction in life and a sense of purpose that you have gained from him/her.

Successful people are ever grateful to all their blessings among which the primary one is their mentor(s).

9. Your behavior changes for better:

Your behavior, your character trait and your attitude toward your life change for better and your life would start to take a great shape.

You become a better person who could face any adversities and crisis– not only because of your great attitude but you have a great person on whom you can rely up on.

10. You have somebody to care for:

When you have a mentor and when you have a relationship with him/her in a true deeper emotional level you not only have someone who can lead you and guide you but by all the sharing and deeper communication your relationship is reinforced to a different level giving the fulfillment in life.

11. Mentor can discover your talent:

Sometimes a mentor could discover your dormant talent and could make you a diamond which otherwise you would have been a coal all through your life without knowing that you have the talent.

Mentor is like a guide that helps the tourist in knowing about the city. Without him/her one wouldn’t know what to see and “Where” to see!

To conclude, Dr. Robert C.Worstell, who has written more than 3 dozens of books on self-improvement and other topics, and has a vast knowledge and research experience in the field of self-help said,

“And: When the time comes, accept being a mentor with humility and grace. Help others find wisdom as you have it. And the ones who come after you, and learn from you, will be doing even greater than you.”

Yes you achiever, there will be a time when you have to put on the suit of a mentor and when that happens, like Dr. Robert C.Worstell’s spiritually matured and generous words, accept your role with humility and grace and help others, as by the time you would have, without a shadow of a doubt, earned all the riches that life has to offer you through your mentor(s).

So, where is your lighthouse? Find him/her today to swiftly progress in your life!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Friday, January 22, 2010

Visualization PART-1

You can see the things around you through your eyes. But you can also see things that are not in reality. When you could see things that are not visible and make them visible, you can make a fortune.

That’s what Thomas Alva Edison did when he mixed the ideas to create the incandescent lamp! The idea to bring about to existence such a kind of lamp wasn’t visible to others (to other scientists) but it was made visible for him by his imagination and a definite purpose backed by a burning desire.

Imagination is not confined only to scientists and artists, but everyone could use it, and should use it to better their lives or to make fortune.

You can build new homes, drive a sports car, go to that holiday destination spot, or be healthy and vital in your imagination. Nothing is impossible in imagination, and so it is in your reality as well because imagination precedes the reality.

Whatever you can conceive in your imagination you can bring it forth into the reality. That is why this unique faculty, which only the human beings are endowed with, can change your life, makes you a great success at anything you do, provided you use this sleeping power with in you often to your assistance.

Imagination is boundless and has infinite powers. Yes, you heard that right! Your imagination is limitless as it is connected to the infinite power of the universe which is the supreme force that brings all the success you want!

Dr.Robert C.Worstell once said,

“You could no more run out of ideas than you could run out of air to breathe. “

By the way your ideas are generated from your imagination and the good news is that your imagination is unlimited.

Every human being uses his/her faculty of imagination every now and then, more often than not, but UNCONSCIOUSLY.

You yourself may have been using your imagination power unconsciously and thereby bringing the things that you imagined into the reality.

But the question is:

“If we are blessed with this unparalleled capacity to imagine and create things, why not use it to support us to succeed, to improve our health, to accumulate fortune and other blessings in life?”

“Why not use it consciously and effectively like Thomas Alva Edison or Wright brothers?”

 People wouldn’t even waste a single day go without employing their imagination faculty only if they knew how powerful and a big factor this CREATIVE VISION OR IMAGINATION is!

 Napoleon Hill’s success principles are based upon years and years of research on several successful people during his time under the supervision and direction of the successful man himself, Andrew Carnegie.

And one of Napoleon Hill’s principles for making fortune of any kind, not monetary alone is utilizing the IMAGINATION you have residing deep inside you.

A lot of advancements and many innovations of the humanity have been accomplished by the use of the IMAGINATION. Right from small pin to rockets and nanotechnology, everything has been possible because of IMAGINATION.

The world has benefited in every way by the new inventions and findings not to mention the people who are behind those findings and inventions that have benefited by their contribution to the world.

This doesn’t mean that the improvements must be a large scale one but every development and improvement that you are capable of bring out about in your workplace, in your personal relationships or in anything you wish to do something could make you a more successful man/woman by earning you a lot of money, fame, happiness in life or all of the above. It all depends up on you and how you use your imagination!

This proves how important is IMAGINATION in making fortunes and other riches in life.

Certainly IMAGINATION is the bedrock upon which the success is built. And more about your imagination power and how you could use the IMAGINATION to the attainment of any goal you want follows next.

Stay tuned for your success!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Visualization PART-2

Desire is only the blue print:

Desire is only the blue print unless it is acted upon. To have the burning desire is like having bought a fast car that could take you in the direction of your destination. But unless it is fuelled by imagination the car cannot go anywhere!

To act upon your desire you need to have plans. This is the important step toward making your desire concrete.

So now the question is how do you form plans?

This is where your imagination comes into play. Forming plans and better ways to do things that are in your mind by using your creative faculty will start an avalanche-effect that would see you end up in bringing the things in your mind to the physical world.

That is why when you see the invisibles (ideas invisible to others but not you) and make plans to make the invisibles into visible through your imagination, you can expect great results and

yourself swept by unexpected pleasant turns in your life!

Ideas are fortune and it is through imagination we generate ideas. If we are conscious enough to this truth developing our IMAGINATION faculty to generate ideas in all departments of our life, then our life would become a blissful fantasy land providing us many riches.

In your business, think about ways in which you could use the established old ideas and way of system and combine them with other ideas that you know to form new ideas. Your imagination could help you to create anything you want when it is backed by burning desire to bring something new to the society.

Successful people always think of ways to improve on things around them and improve them, using their IMAGINATION and in the process affecting the lives of others!
Some instances of using your imagination? Here we go!

–When you think about effective and better ways to interact with your customers you use your IMAGINATION!

– When you have found out a plan with which you could effectively sell a product that’s an application of your imagination.

– In your home, when you have figured out an efficient way to make your children to eat nutritious food and avoid junkies or creating an interest in reading books, then as a mom or dad you have utilized your imagination!

You could use your imagination to find out better way to study, take notes, create a fulfilling relationships, altering your attitude so that it supports you, to make a budget, and what not!!

Apply imagination in every area of your life to improve the quality of life for you and others.

If people haven’t used their imagination to make our movies better ones we would have still be watching movies in the Eastman color!

It was the blend of the software and the imagination of many people that have made it possible to improve the standards substantially.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Visualization PART-3

If people haven’t used their imagination to make our movies better ones we would still have been watching movies in the Eastman color!

It was the blend of the software and the imagination of many people that have made it possible to improve the standards substantially.

The special effects in movies like Avatar, Transformers and Harry Potter are staggering!

The people who were behind the scenes all have earned money, satisfaction and other happiness through their work in these movies, just because they have used their imagination very effectively.

How to use your imagination:

To develop your imagination faculty you got TO USE IT AS OFTEN AND AS FREQUENT AS POSSIBLE.

Here the success principle of repetition is applied. Use your IMAGINATION at every opportunity you get. You use your imagination to visualize your goals as well as to formulate plans.

This doesn’t apply just for your business or workplace but to any and all areas of your life. Even a small improvement in an area using your imagination will cause you to have a better life.

In his book “Think and grow rich”, the great success master, Napoleon Hill mentions about how Thomas Alva Edison used his synthetic imagination to invent the incandescent lamp.

Basically all things of imagination boil down to this fact: The proportion in which you are able to exercise your imagination that much you can create new ideas. And imagination, as it has been stated before, is developed through USE—REGULAR USE.

Say, you have a desire. By thinking about it repeatedly with emotions it becomes a burning desire, a kind of obsession.

This repeated thinking about that thing upon which you have fixed your heart will UNFOLD your imagination power which in turn connects with your infinite power to generate ideas after ideas for you.

And ideas are fortune!

And that is why, as great minds have been emphasizing for a long time, it is important to know what you want so that you can focus and think about it constantly and not dwell on the negatives.

As it has been mentioned earlier, as everything is energy in a deeper level, your mind and every other human being’s mind is connected to a UNLIMITED SOURCE OF POWER—the INFINITE POWER which gives idea after idea to whoever uses the faculty of the IMAGINATION.

Practice creative visualization:

One basic way to use your IMAGINATION is to write down the ideal result you want in your life.

Say that you want to quit your job and start a new business.

Now, visualize yourself being the owner of that chain of stores that you want to start. Feel “as if” you have already achieved this goal. Actually see yourself discussing your business matters with your partners.

And while you are visualizing this, say to yourself in present tense something like,

“I am in my store discussing with my partners about the future plans of the chain of stores and about the profit. I am happy now that I have a vast customer base who is satisfied with my service…..”

You can use this affirmation + visualization especially before you go to sleep and upon waking up in the morning.

This is a very good exercise to make your imagination strong as well as this will bring into physical existence that which you visualize and affirm repeatedly day after day after day!!

To use the IMAGINATION for ones success depends entirely upon that person— how thirsty he/she is to become successful in his/her life. For that they need to be innovative. To be innovative one needs ideas through IMAGINATION from the INFINITE INTELLIGENCE.

So if you really are thirsty for a change in your life start using your imagination from today!

The computer, the airplane, the cellular phone, the Montessori system of education, the, etc were all an imagination in the minds of their founders. Look what they have done to the world!

The beauty is that we are just in the rudimentary stage and there are many more innovations and developments to come and why not you be a part of those revolutions?

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nuggets from “As a man thinketh” by James Allen

4.(Explanation to the 4th chapter of “As a man thinketh”)

Thought and purpose:

Thoughts are like race horses—they ought to be controlled, well nurtured and nourished and directed to a specific end.

They cannot be allowed to run on auto-pilot or run wild.

So what could be the one solution that solves this problem?

Conceiving a PURPOSE for your life and directing your thoughts in the direction of your purpose.

“Aimlessness is a vice”, says James Allen. To steer through all the waves and storms of life, one needs to have “reason” for his life’s activities. One needs the resolution that comes only when he/she has embarked on a venture with purpose behind it.

Central Purpose in ones life insulates one against worries, fears, troubles, guilty feeling, temptations, self-pitying, etc. which lead one to inevitable doom in their life.

The steps and guidance in this relation are as follows:

1. Conceive a legitimate purpose in your heart and start putting your efforts to accomplish it.

2.  It may be material things like a laptop, a sports car or a row house or a diamond studded necklace. Or it may be spiritual things like happiness, peace of mind, mind development, character improvement, etc.

3. Make this legitimate purpose your supreme duty that must be given the number one priority through self-control and concentration.

At this time, thought control is very vital and the person should try to avoid thoughts to wander and stop longing for ephemeral things or temporary happiness or joy that is detrimental to the entire status quo of the purpose and concentrated thoughts.

In this undertaking to reach for your ideals you may fail, but ultimately you would succeed and more importantly you would have your character toughened.

Do even the small tasks as if you are to get a fortune:

Doing even the insignificant tasks to the best of your potential by giving all your undivided attention and focus into them is the one single pass or the ticket to the heaven of achievements!
Starting today, just consider even the small tasks as important ones believing deep down that each task well done has improved you that much according to your effort you have put in the task.
Taking an inventory of you strengths and weaknesses could help you so much, for if you know your weaknesses you could work on rectifying it. The formula for that is putting constant effort and doing a lot of practice.

Your habit of weak thinking could be changed:

If one has conditioned himself/herself by thinking weak thoughts such as thoughts of sickness, failure, inefficiency, negativities, skepticism, etc. he //she should start practicing thinking good thoughts and head in a different road, a road that is so safe and has many happy moments for him/her.

When you start doing weight training using dumbbells for the first time you’ll have some pain I your muscles, you may get tired prematurely before the stipulated time of the workout, and even may run some temperature.

But all these only during the first few days till you get “Conditioned” for the new way of doing things.

The same goes for “mental exercise as well”. During the initial times you’ll have some hard times with thinking the positive, constructive thoughts. But you’ll get “conditioned” for the right thinking, like the successful people, with the passage of time and windup being one of them.

To discard aimlessness and adopting a new way of thinking is to enter the class of the top achievers to whom failure is nothing but a means to success.

Once the purpose has been formulated, the next step is to find out or plan the direct way to achieve that purpose.

Like before serving certain fruit juices it is a routine to filter out the impurities or the unnecessary particles.

Before you ever start get on with your mission filter out the small disgusting particles of doubts and fears.

With doubts and fears are sifted now you are left with:

1. Your thoughts.

2. Your purpose.

3. Courage and confidence (You can develop these again by your thoughts)

4. And your effort which will result in your purpose being materialized.

You have started using you mental powers far more efficiently and effectively.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Keep this with you all day long for your success! Part-2

The following are the simple guidelines to make your dream list a part of you and let it seep into your subconscious mind for the attainment:

(Legends like Napoleon Hill, Joseph Murphy have emphasized the importance of some of the points given here for our success)

1. Write what you want in an index card and carry the card with you always. Just take it out every once in a while and read through the list. When you read through the list (preferably aloud or according to what your situation allows) be emotionalized about your dreams (Emotions of FAITH, LOVE, SEX, and sometimes even “Sorrow” would help you.) and visualize yourself having already got your dream materialized.

2. Before going to sleep and upon getting up in the morning, do the same procedure again only this time read it out aloud, as you would be in your home, probably.

3. What is the purpose of reading your dream list before sleep?
Because the most powerful sphere of you mind, the subconscious mind, which is the main machine through which you could achieve any riches you want in life, works out the last piece of information you had in your mind before sleep causing it to become a reality.

The reason for repeating all those thoughts over and over is to etch them in your memory so as to keep the INTENSITY at a certain level and also allowing these thoughts to enter into your subconscious mind to take root and become an obsession in you.

4. When you are faced with situations that seem very gloomy or sober, just take out your index card and run through the list again. This act is like saying to your adversities and challenges that want you to give up,

“I am here to do these things in my life and no matter how hard you may try to stop me from reaching my milestones and doing wonders, I wouldn’t budge even as to an inch!
 It doesn’t matter if you folks( your adversities and hurdles) show up today or tomorrow or any time as you wish, I am fixed  and resolute in my decision to go all out, do all that could in my capacity until one day I succeed. I know that if I keep on keeping on you all would die and my success is very much assured.”

Dear inspired soul, remember that you are here to do things… great things and not to lie in a corner and weep… You have what it takes to succeed already…

Just keep all your focus on the list of things you want to do!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Keep this with you all day long for your success! Part-1

If realizing your “Chief definite aim” or your ultimate purpose in your life is one thing that you ought to do before you begin your race toward that golden pot called success and unlimited joy in life, keeping your “ideals” in front of you at all times is even more important point that’s worth serious consideration.

There is a very little population around this world, perhaps only a small fraction of the billions of inmates that have a clear and specific list of things that they want from their life. But even smaller is the number of people who go on to translate their list of “dreams” into reality.

Now, there are 2 questions that you may have in your mind about having to write down the list of things that you would like to accomplish in your life and having them getting realized.

Why should one ever have goals at all? And what if they just work hard and do things with their full potential and leave at that?

The problem is that we all have one commodity that is equally distributed among us and which is limited: TIME

If one were to live 10,000 or 15,000 years then one may just keep putting all the efforts he/she can possibly put all through their life and they could be an expert in literally many vocations if they happen to live to be thousands of years.

But, you only live to be 70-80 years on an average to prove yourself before you say “goodbye” to this world.
That means, one cannot concentrate on many things, confused and be overwhelmed by plethora of things.
FOCUS and SIMPLICITY are the buzz world of this age.

So selecting a worthwhile purpose and putting all your efforts for attaining it and on the way becoming a master in it would see through that you succeed despite myriad of obstacles and roadblocks that you may encounter in the process.

This is the most effective and the only way to do great things in your life.
The important step, after you have your dreams list is to keeping them in front of you all the time and thinking and meditating them in your mind.

Why is this so?

The challenge is not with writing down what one wants but having the same intensity when they wrote their goals and even improving the intensity of the desire to what Napoleon Hill would call as “Burning desire”.

Only by keeping ones list of things in front of him/her and meditating those in your mind all day long would ensure that you the “desire” become a “burning desire”.

Just follow the guidelines in the second part to using your dream list effective!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

You will have to get past hurdles before you arrive

One misconception has done more damages to the success of many people than all the others put together.

What is it that one implied misconception that has seen many people going down like that sinking ocean-liner “Titanic”?

It’s the notion that on their way toward their great accomplishments that when people have failed one or two times, then it’s all over!

In other words, the high-dreamers who start to put effort to succeed, unconsciously or consciously think that any hurdle or road-block or bumps they WILL see and experience are NOT NATURAL and to make things worse, think that these are marks and symptoms of failures!

They even go a step further and wrongly think that success means lack of failure, even the small ones, and that if they are faced with one then that means they are not worth or the endeavor is not worth—that’s the end of the world for them.

They label themselves as “failures” not realizing the truth that the actions that they have taken have gone wrong or to be exact, “have failed”.

After all it’s only natural for anyone to fail at any worth while task one or more times before he/she arrives. That’s how success is attained!

Take the example of the some of the virtuosos in the field of musical instruments. They have put thousands and thousands of hours into sharpening and developing their skills to the highest level.

They did this by “trial and error” method which is the only method through which all the achievers in all walks of life be it sports or music or arts have gained that “professional touch”.

They all failed thousands of times before they “arrived”. At long last they arrived just because they have been able to know that failures and road-blocks precede success—always!

When you know this simple secret to all the successes that you’d ever want in your life you’ll start moving rapidly toward your target in spite of all the hurdles.

It’s a common saying and an uncommon truth that “Truth can set you free”.

By the same token, when you know the truth that what are the normal things on your race in the course of success you wouldn’t get disappointed at the face of failures and disappointments.

You know, as all the great achievers do, that to taste the fruit of success that’s sitting high in the tree of effort you got to climb your way up against the gravity which is the hurdles on the way through.

Hurdles are the part of the drama of accomplishments and a person who knows this truth he is immediately illuminated and redeemed from the habit of sliding back and losing hope when he/she encounters the bumps and walls on the way.

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Don’t dear achiever!

When life becomes a devil like it does sometimes for every dreamers
And throw you into a dungeon from which you think you have no escape
Don’t be afraid dear achiever but open up your inner light that engulfs the darkness!
When some days throw their brimstones of failures and disappointments your way;
And puts you in a hopeless and worthless situation of utmost disaster
Don’t dear achiever, give in your powers but continue marching toward your throne.
When a situation in a business or personal life seems so unfair and cruel
Luring you to lose your temper and self-esteem in you deliberately
Don’t dear achiever follow its trail but make a new path by your virtue of rigid and calm mind.
When a month has more thorns of days than the beautiful petal ones
Piercing and scratching your soul with its temporary failures and defeats
Don’t dear achiever start to believe that you are a ‘failure’ but cut the tentacles with your sword of faith in you.
When a result you expected didn’t show up when expected or due
creating a sense of insecurity and a feeling of self-loathe and despair
Don’t dear achiever yield to this fallacy but keep colliding with the wall that blocks it until you see the other side!
When an worthy venture you undertake seem to be an uphill task
collapsing the deck of cards of hope and enthusiasm in you
Don’t dear achiever put a full stop there but muster up your strength in you and belief in God and keep moving on!
When an ideal in whose direction you are heading for that well-lived life
seems to be an utter waste, as it does appear so at times, to test your mettle
Don’t dear achiever fall into the trap of this illusion, for if you keep going you’ll find that bright glow sooner!
When people that have supported you think now that you can’t win
Applying the mass pressure together in you to release your grip of steadfastness
Don’t dear achiever forsake your exertions for nobody knows what would happen if you simply persist!
Even when the whole world is against you doubting your capability
Judging you and every move you make in the expressway to success
Don’t dear achiever kill your legitimate goals for their sake, for God is with you if you keep striving!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Sunday, January 3, 2010

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy— “Get, set, action!”, –Day 9

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy— “Get, set, action!”, –Day 9

(The ideas that have been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the ninth principle)

You are positive and think in possibilities…

You are exercising your imagination, as only the humans could do this, to the best you can…

Your have good reasons why you got to succeed…

You can think for yourself…

Your attitude is supporting you…

You have clear, well-defined plans for your success.

Of all these success principles, the eternal success principles, there is one important part that would inject the “life-blood” into these principles. That is the principle of taking actions.

This one principle is more needed for that last principle above than anything else. If it’s one thing to plan to go a place, say a tourist spot like Maldives islands that you have planned for a long time, it’s entirely a different and the most crucial part putting that plan into effect by actually doing the planned steps.

You have by now finished the “Why” part and now comes the “How” and “what” parts.

All the plans starts their heart beat with the first step you take in the right direction toward realizing your goals.

Until the action part is introduced, the plans would be like a seed that is dormant inside the soil.

Dr. Robert C. Worstell very well puts it this way,

“So, in order to achieve anything, you have to do something about this- not just think good thoughts.”

He also goes on to say that these principles of success outlined in the book “Go thunk yourself” as the eternal principles that were a part of the great geniuses like Aristotle and Plato. These principles have been among people since time started –adopted by the successful ones, ignored by the lazy ones and was not even in the sight of many poor ones!

So, here is the logic process to achieving success:

To have something you got to do something…

To do something you got to be something…

To be something, you got to think effectively… (About something worthwhile.)

Let us see how Dr. Robert C. Worstell effectively puts forth a great truth for us by citing an effective lesson through illustration from one of Napoleon Hill’s books,

“The event chosen for this illustration dates back to 1900, when the United States Steel Corporation was being formed. As you read the story, keep in mind these fundamental facts and you will understand how IDEAS have been converted into huge fortunes.

“First, the huge United States Steel Corporation was born in the mind of Charles M. Schwab, in the form of an IDEA he created through his IMAGINATION!

“Second, he mixed FAITH with his IDEA.

“Third, he formulated a PLAN for the transformation of his IDEA into physical and financial reality.

“Fourth, he put his plan into action with (a) speech at the University Club.

“Fifth, he applied, and followed-through on his PLAN with PERSISTANCE, and backed it with firm DECISION until it had been fully carried out.

“Sixth, he prepared his way for success by a BURNING DESIRE for success.

In the above example it is clear that Charles M.Schwab followed through-on his plans effectively. Ideas are your plans and like Charles M.Schwab if you act on your ideas you would make fortunes provided the  ACTIONS are persistent and there’s firmness of decision, meaning not  backsliding whatever the circumstances maybe!

The first thing to keep in mind as far as the action part is concerned is to always try to improve ones personal efficiency. Dr. Robert C. Worstell asserts this as,

“One would want to achieve the highest potential possible personally, and as well would want others around him to be efficient and productive when they worked.”

From the 20th century self-help guru like Napoleon Hill to a more recent member of the league, Stephen Covey, everyone emphasizes this one principle as strongly as a law that has to be abided by because they have known the real secret that if you take actions, continuous and consistent actions, you cannot help but succeed!!

The second vital point to be buried inside your brain, as a part of the ACTION is working WITHIN YOUR LIMITS.

Success is like a marathon. Over straining will not make you to see through this event, but a constant, consistent effort within your capacity would!

If one is over-working he/she is prone to extreme physical exhaustion let alone the more important mental exhaustion, which is the corner-stone of your success.

By being a “steady” contender who spends his/her resources optimally you are bringing all your faculties that are necessary for success into SYNC!

Set your own pace and set great records.

Now, as you are about to take ACTION it is of utmost importance to have EDUCATION and that TRAINING you need. Only through Knowledge of a thing could the actions be taken—correct actions. For that KNOWLEDGE is a must.

Knowledge? What knowledge?

It’s not the one they teach in the schools and colleges as mostly they are not understood but merely stored in the mind for passing exams and have no practical application or at least have not been taught that way.

For your success, Napoleon Hill explained what knowledge is:

He said that knowledge is developing our faculties, mental, physical and et al, so that if you want to achieve anything you can effectively direct yourself toward the successful completion of that goal.

Henry Ford knew this, and he took actions on his plans and that’s why, though he didn’t have any formal school and college education, was able to have men and women in his company to represent him and his company for mutual benefit. Now isn’t that what an education is?

Murder the serial killer called “Procrastination”, set small goals and timeline to reach them and just start doing. Sooner the results will show up which would boost you for larger ACTIONS!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

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