Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas TREE for Your Success

Christmas tree is one of the primary symbols of Christmas which indicates that Christmas is in sight or has come!

One more TREE is on the way to change your life…

This message is about a Christmas TREE for you this Christmas and New year which when embraced could give you that quantum leap in your life and make you to look ahead briskly to life’s possibilities.

The TREE here is the acronym for:


Like lights flashing brightly all over a Christmas tree, let this philosophy gets it’s bright glowing power as you practice them and putting them to effective use. Things will fall in place for you and you’ll be guided through the labyrinth of life.

These four quality traits—Target, Responsibility, Empathy and Excellence are integral part highly, truly, victorious people who have been enjoying complete and all-round success.

You’ll be treading along the same path, enjoying the same fruits as they do and the same kind of great man or woman when you take the time and effort  to internalize these 4 factors of true success.

Like a Christmas TREE, this TREE too has a lot of gifts for you—happy life, effective personal communication, excellent leadership, attaining any goals that you set for yourself, etc.
Strengthened multifold by these gifts, you can take on anything (any obstacles and hurdles) and be a totally different, better person before next Christmas!!

Now let’s roll!

Target is the “point” that you want to aim at. A target is something that you really, desperately and in a longing way wanted!

I-can attitude flows out of a deep sense of personal worth. You get it when you have targets or purposes or goals. That’s why most of the successful people are so confident about themselves as they draw their power from executing the target plans consistently.

Also, you’ll be intuitively drawn to your “real” things— things that that are important. When you do the things that do matter and important to you, your best in you is brought out!!

On the eve of Christmas, just sit down and reflect on your current life and start to know what you want and need, right now!! This awareness will fuel your endeavor and sky-rockets you!!

Successful people always keep their goals in and with them. This means they always think in terms of their goals. Once when you have conceived your targets, you are putting your mind on the right track and eliminate the unnecessary things from your life.

Having the burning desire is like having your “water” but that must be converted in to a steam to move your vehicle. Your purposes or goals or targets do this.

Also, great people know “Why” they want to achieve a certain goal. They not only set goals but also write why they want to reach that goal. This “why” part is the motivating factor and changes you to be persistent with your goals.

Once you form your goals, your motivation would be from inside and not based on the external factors such as weather or how people treat you or whether the day is bad or good—you are focused.

One key character is being patient with goals. People, when they don’t see results, just quit even without analyzing where they are at the moment. But successful crowd just stick to their plans and be patient if they are sure that they are moving in the right direction.

So, this is the first element of tree—targets.


By far the greatest single obstacle to victory is not taking responsibility.

Great people know the secret that most of things would come to them if they don’t wait for things to happen or the other person to take the first step but taking the action themselves as soon as possible.

That’s why they engineer magnificent achievements!!

Epictetus, the Greek philosopher, rightly said,

“God has entrusted me with myself. “

High-achievers don’t get trapped in the run-away syndrome but face the things by taking responsibility followed by appropriate, courageous actions.

They use and think only in terms of phrases like:

“I take responsibility for the way my life is or would be!”

“I am responsible for that outcome and I’ll plan and take necessary steps to attain it!”

They aren’t really obsessed about the outcome—whether they fail or succeed, they always take the responsibility. But most of the time they pull it off!!

This is the mark of the undisputed champions and you too can become one. More precisely, you are one already but your sense of responsibility maybe dormant. Awaken it and take life in your hands.

Once you become proactive, your thinking starts to change, your ability starts to change, you view about life and others start to change!

It could start from this Christmas day!

You’ll have perennial power, like the outstanding people when you realize the importance of this second element of the TREE!

Your comfort zone expands and you’ll be able to do many things which may have frightened you but are necessary for bigger success!!

Taking responsibility is a process of discovering you higher, powerful version. Start it today!

Life management is self-management ad people management. Managing each other well in any kind of organization, be it a family or a company or a Church or a school is one of the vital indications that that organization is on the right track and the natural sharing and caring are taking place well!

There’s a world of difference between just interacting with people and, understanding and interacting with people. Top-class men and women understand their people and always strive to know each and everyone well in their team or family or in the class!

You are sure assuming many roles in your life now—son, wife, husband, team leader, etc. This third element empathy is worth much more than most of the things in life because it is the glue that holds everything together in your life and makes you to lead a happy, successful life.

BIG successes have been achieved by teams. You must be a team player at one point of time in your life. This calls for EMPATHY. This must not be used as a way but this must become your character trait—you really got to care about people.

Deep understanding—about people—is the hall-mark of victorious men and women. They know that people are different from one another and to have a synergistic output and a really serene life, understanding others is so crucial.

Marvelous people seek to understand others whereas mediocres expect others to understand them.
But when you truly care for others, you’ll be really so much empathic in nature and that’ll put the seed for great life for all around you.


The last element in the TREE is EXCELLENCE. Whatever venture they undertake, small or big, the go-getters always seek excellence.

 The Bible aptly says in Ecclesiastes 9:10,

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.”

Doing with all your might regardless of the output will lead to gateways you haven’t known before!
When you take RESPONSIBILITY to be your best in everything you do, you can even outshine your weaknesses.

Makers don’t compromise on quality. That’s why they are makers. They always make an effort to deliver high quality stuff—always!

They might compromise on other things but never on quality.

This leads them to be the most satisfied and fulfilled people on the planet in the context of happiness.

Always see ad try to reach the peak and nothing else!!

As a parting remark, have the following quote from Brian Tracy, the motivational and management guru:
“Never settle for anything less than your best.”

Tears may have welled up in your eyes as you couldn’t face your obstacles or hurdles and hardships of life.

But now, you have the TREE in your hands and if you follow these four timeless principles, your cap will be full of feathers by next Christmas!!

Stamp the TREE strongly, deeply and indelibly today upon your soul and mind, and sure these 4 principles

TARGET, RESPONSIBILITY, EMPATHY AND EXCELLENCE will lay the stone for your success!!

They’ll inject a new blood in you. You’ll acquire a whole new breed of attitudes and behaviors.

The Santa has put the gift of TREE by your side and he is sure you’ll grab it!!


Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers


Thursday, December 9, 2010

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy--Time to control the inner waves—Day 13

(The ideas that have been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the thirteenth principle)

With Christmas around the corner, many people might be thinking about having a complete revamp in their life!

One of the better ways to see an everlasting change is to change the “CORE” that’s inside everyone.

That CORE always seeks one thing—only one thing—which is PEACE and TRANQUILITY amidst the ever-increasing chaos all around!

This important chapter from the book “Go thunk yourself” is the ultimate peak which is built from the other 12 principles we have seen so far in this good book of truths.

Whether they admit or not, the ultimate aim, directly or indirectly, of people, instinctively, is PEACE—that ever-eluding serenity.

 But the author of the book “Go thunk yourself” Dr. Robert C. Worstell says, with his vast experience, that to have peace, the first step is SELF-CONTROL.

This is the missing clue in most of the lives and this is the clue that has been working wonders in the lives of highly effective and satisfied and successful people!

Self-control in this context is recapturing that inevitable control over ones OWN THOUGHTS—which is by the way could be attained only through practice. With you now well equipped with the other 12 principles, covered so far, this would be easier.

The modern day hassles have brought with it the subtle mindset of “Just-keep-running”, and hence people don’t even take the time to RELAX, which the author, Dr. Robert C. Worstell, urges us to once again go back to our old, powerful way of relaxing to gain control over your thoughts.

Remembering the following two things will get you great results and these are just reiteration of what has been said:

1. Practice controlling your thoughts. Keep repeating.

2. Always remember that “RELAXING” must become your life-style.

You can dedicate a certain amount of time daily to RELAX, both physically and in a shorter time mentally, and to get control over your non-empowering thoughts and thoughts of negative nature.

But that’s not the whole story. As soon as you get over with your negative thoughts, there would be a “large space” waiting to be filled. If you leave it as such that space would be, by default, filled once again by bad thoughts. This is why it is so vital to fill yourself with a lot of positive and encouraging and boosting thoughts!

The key here is how long you could maintain the positive thoughts and how powerfully you can stop the disempowering thoughts entering your mind. This is the great secret of the ages. Be it a sage or a really big, successful business tycoon—they both have learned that everything emerges from thoughts and it is so vital to control them to attain PEACE OF MIND.

Now one may ask what would be the benefit in doing all these things.

The reason is that when one becomes quiet and tranquil he or she would be able to tap into that great resource of creativity and could get insights and intuitions which sets the tone for successes and improvements in his or her life.

A person who is always negative and have no peace cannot see any sort of improvements. Only when that person leaves the negativity behind and embraces PEACE through control over his or her thoughts, could he/she enter the success arena.

Self-control is the key factor in achieving this and anyone regardless of his/her current position in life can attain this through burning desire and practice.

Look what Mr.James Allen, the early 20th century philosopher asserts:

The calm man (also woman), having learned how to govern himself, knows how to adapt himself to others.

This means that one would also becomes effective with his or her fellow people.

Just consider the following:

When you are calm and know the importance of controlling your thoughts, you know that anger or jealousy or envy would have a negative effect and hence you’d practice being peaceful even if someone tries to make you angry. Even when someone flaunts his or her newly bought car or any other possessions, you wouldn’t be incited and become envy or jealous. Now you have become a complete person who cannot be “DISTURBED” by the “mundane” things!

That is “governing” your “self”.

When you are peaceful with yourself, you can be peaceful with anyone. Many people are, in the first place, not happy with themselves and about themselves. That’s because they allow their thoughts to run on auto-pilot and spoil their fertile land.

Remember whenever you are not happy or feeling uncomfortable, that’s your thought playing the spoiler! Right away start having a strong hold on them.

All things are possible to the one who has peace of mind and as said before, this is achievable through managing yourself.

Thoughts are either created consciously or unconsciously. When you can select you thoughts, why not start selecting your thoughts from today as opposed to having any kind of thoughts?

How better off you could be if you could control and have constant positive thoughts regardless of the outside tempest instead of being positive for sometime and negative for sometime?

With the internet gaining popularity good messages have become so easy. Lots of books are now available for the mind. It has never been easier than now!

All those classic books for self-improvement and mind and peace are available and could be at your disposal in a jiffy!!

Still 15 odd days to Christmas, this could be the right time to practice “PEACE” and be a much delighted and happy person on 25th DECEMBER, 2010!!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

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