Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Christmas Memento

Your life, your transitory, yet, precious life!

Who are you and why are you here?

To perennially suffer and to perpetually cry?

No!! But to glitter and flamboyantly fly!

For your negativity, it’s time to say goodbye!!

Can you ever get what you want?

You can with “I-can," just expunge the “can’t”

Wipe out the ominous fears and self-doubts that only daunt

Realizing that life can become a blissful jaunt!!

Never believed you had what it takes?

Waste not another minute, but change your view

For your talents are of a matchless hue!

Use them, soon to find that your success is due!!

Are you a meek, fragile shuttlecock?

Not in the least, but a solid rock

Who has an inherent spirit of a gamecock

Why doze, get up…and break the lock!!!

Fed up with your string of flops and mishits?

Fostering the fallacy that you are one among the misfits?

Forgetting that legends always did it with their grits

Congenially married to their inquisitive wits!!

Erase the black mark and the question mark!

Know that exclamation mark is your birthmark!!


Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

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