Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Where do you dwell?

A person, say a sage or a wise old man, comes to you and say, “your success depends upon where you dwell upon!”

You may find yourself saying to yourself in a low whisper “What success has to do with where a man or woman dwells upon. That’s ridiculous!?”

But not long before, the sage says that he doesn’t mean your home or the area you live in but an entirely different area which if sorted out could bring you a revolutionary change.

Yes! Successful people and the rest of the mass have one key difference between them. Successful people always dwell on the positive thoughts about themselves, about things and about other people whereas others dwell on the negative and dark side of life.

This causes them to experience entirely different things on the same journey. They perceive things differently and as a result they think differently, act differently and their results are produced differently!

Now let’s see what demarcates the successful, positive dwellers from the negative dwellers:

1. Successful people dwell on the positive side of things and on constructive, empowering things but they also don’t forget to give a short visit to think about their negatives, the weaknesses or about the obstacles. But they have a reason to do it. They know that to be effective and sustain success they can’t afford just concentrate on the positive side alone but to know about the negative side.

But the people who dwell on the negatives, very rarely, if at all, visit the good-thoughts area and possibility-thinking. They always are so busy in adding words like “I can’t”, “I am not talented”, “Dull and cruel life…”, etc to their dictionary.

2. Since positive people are engaged in looking and expecting at the brighter side of things they are able to stay in a powerful state which enables them to get FEEDBACK quite efficiently and successfully. From the feedback they obtain, they make the changes necessary and steer their way to success.

The people who dwell on the mansion of negativism and pessimistic thinking are overwhelmed by the emotions they draw from the negative thought patterns which is the very reason that causes the FEEDBACK factor to be invisible for them.

3. Positive people too have challenges and roadblocks like the unsuccessful, passive people, in fact they have much more but they always concentrate on arriving at a decision or figuring out a way to solve the problem. Successful people dwell on the answers whereas the negative ones dwell on the problems and automatically are entangled by the tentacles of the difficulties.

4. As a result of their dwelling place mentally the choices between the successful people and the unsuccessful ones are prominently different. They react and respond differently to the same stimuli. A successful man or a woman always dwell on things that take them further and in contrast, the negative people dwell on things that make them to retreat even though everyone has been basically endowed with the same faculties.

5. Even when great men and women are down they act confident and in turn they restore their peak potential once again to stride forward in their odyssey. But the mob with “mediocre” thinking gives in easily because of their rooted-negative thought patterns.

6. People who dwell on the light always believe in themselves, as their inner dialogues over time condition them to believe in themselves and in their ability. On the other hand, people with negative outlook on life have little or no confidence in themselves.

7. As a result of dwelling in a I-can palace, effective people do what the unsuccessful people don’t do, whether they like it or not. As a result they get what the unsuccessful people don’t get!

8. Good dwellers are good watchmen and watchwomen. They guard themselves against worries, jealousy, anxieties, loss of self-confidence, etc. They know that if they allow these vices to take root then the consequences would be so devastating. In contrast, people who dwell in the ditches of life don’t even realize the ill-effects the above mentioned demons.

9. Even when the positive-dwellers are affected by the viruses of real life they never fail to declutter and detoxify their mind. But for the rest, they simply experience avalanche effect and allow themselves to be washed out by the external factors.

10. The optimistic warriors just don’t be positive this moment and then negative the next but they try to be positive most of the time. But the dwellers of “dark-place” for the most of the time are negative, bogged down by one thing or other.

The successful surfers know that they can’t change their past and they simply concentrate on the now, as they perfectly understand that their success depends on how well they use the “NOW”. But, unfortunately others choose to dwell on the past and just replay those energy-sapping videos over and over.

Just one more secret for your success: Effective and successful people draw their energy and power to “stay” whatever happens from the place they dwell habitually— THE POSITIVE ZONE. Negative people who are already tired from their own energy-sapping thoughts get knocked down by the very first sight of a hurdle.

To be the perfect dweller let us follow what Plato, the great philosopher said,

“The first and best victory is to conquer self.”

You can if you think you can and, if you believe you can dwell on the positive-palace, then in no time you’ll be the prince or princess of that palace!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

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