Saturday, April 16, 2011

Listen to Me My Heart!

(This poem is from a girl who lost her “Fighting spirit” in life and has somewhat or somehow developed into a “victim” of life rather than a “Victor” in life. She is now talking to her heart to change for better for she knows that it is her heart that is responsible for the current situation and holding her hostage.

She realizes that her heart must become its old-self again for her to get back everything she has lost, and more! She knows that every great contender has been talked of about his/her heart - it’s virtue of courage, calmness, politeness, kindness, iron-will, steadfastness and the list is endless. She finally succeeds, like you would - after reading and meditating upon this poem!)

A faint sound on the outside my home
Here I go jerking and jolting!
One bad day in my life
Here I am murmuring and muttering about the erratic life!

A small failure on my way to the destination
And there I am stunned and gloomy!!
One big confrontation with uncertainty and trial
There I plunge into desperation and deprivation!!

Why my heart, did God make you out of cotton—so soft?
No He must not have for sure!
Your destiny lies not in crying or moaning or groaning

But in being like a violent and vicious storm
that sweeps every single object on it’s way!!
Listen to me carefully oh my heart!
You are born of courage and determination

Never bring disgrace to your parents!!
Revive your past glory and
It’s time you were enthroned!

You were once appreciated and encouraged
for your daring, caring, bearing and raring!
It’s never too late or too difficult!

Just return to your old ways of dealing with life!!
Face it, stare it down and win it hands down!!!
Heave your rapier at the hydra with the same
fortitude that you once possessed from birth!!

The world may call you by any name
but never lose your true identity and fall back!!
You are to rule and not to be ruled
by trivialities and insignificants and petty things!!

Come out of your den and it’s the right time for hunting!!!

 Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Park Publishers

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

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