Monday, March 15, 2010

James Allen—Man: King of mind, body, and circumstance --Episode 1

James Allen—Man: King of mind, body, and circumstance --Episode 1

(This is an excellent and illuminating book by James Allen. Here, for your information, wherever he mentioned “He” denotes both men and women. In the olden days, most of the literature were addressed towards the readers using “He” which means not only men but also women.)

We have all taught how to drive a car or how to eat or how to talk but most of us have never been taught how to LIVE which is the vital, crucial and the cornerstone of all the good things that we could enjoy during our lifetime on this planet.

Most of the problems spring from the fact that men and women aren’t really taught this pivotal element of living.

Learning to live, in essence, is nothing but learning to direct our forces, using all the potential we were born with toward a meaningful end.

What’s inside of you?

Whether one is happy or in misery it is him/her who is responsible for his/her position.

So, what could be the cause?

It’s neither God nor the devil!

It’s not your external condition but it is… it is always your THOUGHTS.

Everything springs from ones own thoughts whether he/she believes it or not.

For instance, think about any incident in your life where you took action. Say you went for a movie with one of your friends. Your called your friend and asked whether he or she was interested in going to a movie with you.

Wait… but what would have happened before that!?

You definitely must have had a lot of thoughts flooding over your mind about on which day to go to a movie, what time, with whom, which movie theatre, etc. You may have got a spark of thought which would have triggered all the good feelings in you and hence the subsequent ideas.

Every action is preceded by THOUGHTS.

James Allen asserted,

“They (thoughts) are the effects of deeds”

But it’s a sad truth that people overlook this truth and don’t give any serious consideration to this marvelous yet eye-opening insight!

So, the cause being the thought and the effect being the deeds, just imagine how wonderful life would be if one could control and direct the thoughts and thereby the deeds!

That’s what the leaders in every walk of life have been, and are doing!!

Your attitude, the way you think and behave are not fixed. They could be changed. All one got to do is to change his or her thought process and the way he or she perceives the world.

This is self-conquest or self-mastery and the joy that you would get from liberating yourself from these old patterns of thinking is indescribable in words and has to be experienced individually.

Everything is a choice:

When one decides to eliminate the disempowering thoughts and wants to reach the next higher plane by thinking pure thoughts or thoughts that would strengthen him or her, he or she can always do so, and remember it is not an innate gift but a choice… which is under that person’s control.

Your thoughts make your world a dark dungeon or a well-lit, bright Heaven depending upon the how you discern the world around you.

The question is: “Through which lens are you viewing the world?”

Your thoughts give color to your life and it’s up to you to choose the colors—dim or bright!!

All the changes on the outside starts from the changes form the inside!!!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings

Success Messenger

Thursday, March 11, 2010

“Go thunk yourself” philosophy— “Search above to reach above: ASK THE SUPREME”, –Day 12

(The ideas that have been learned from the book “Go thunk yourself” by Dr. Robert C. Worstell, are being shared. This is the twelfth principle)

Would you like to receive gifts all year round? There is a way—and this way has been in existence for our utilization all through the ages but very infinitesimal number of people has ever walked through this way to receive the gifts for which they were entitled since their birth.

Okay, what are the gifts and what is the way and more importantly, who is providing those gifts?

With out any further ado, let us take off!

If we were to work by ourselves there is little that we could ever achieve. Then this means we have been working with and through another force since the beginning of the times that has been responsible for all the things that you see around wherever you are sitting right now!

The following lines would help you to get a flash of realization about whom we are dealing here:

Belief in a Supreme Being or Higher Power – tapping into one's relationship with the Supreme Being increases one's own abilities and power.

This Supreme Being is the way! It has ever been the solution to all the challenges that this world has faced. You can call this Supreme Being as God or Universal mind or the Master mind. This Supreme Being is always there to help you with your life. The only thing is that one got to recognize this unlimited and the greatest power which can do anything for a person and through a person, if his/her intentions are honest and high.

Wherever you are in your life right now, you can always receive the gifts that this Supreme Being is always ready to offer you. Even if you have considered yourself as a “discarded thing”, the Universal mind can turn you into a brave and a blessed one and help you for your success in your life.

Look what Albert Einstein said about the colossal force of God:

"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."

Like Albert Einstein every great man and woman has been, and is using this great power for his or her success. And the question, with care, for you today is: Why not you?

One survey revealed that as high as 96% of the people in the USA recognize some kind of higher power in their day-to-day life in one way or other. Now, many people cannot go wrong and also it is an absolute truth that most of the outstanding people in all walks of life get help, guidance and assistance from the Universal mind.

Many great authors who studied about this, such as Haanel, Wattles, Dr.Norman Vincent Peale, Napoleon Hill, etc have all insisted upon having a harmonious relationship with the God to receive the gifts in the way of intuitions, hunches, ideas, feeling to take certain action steps, etc.

Due to the bombardment of many thoughts from all directions in the modern world and the unawareness about this force many are not in the same frequency with the Universal mind or the Master mind and have lost contact with this Power.

Why not start communicating with the Infinite intelligence to get ideas for your business and other areas of your life?

Why not seek this force to earn the riches that you want in your life and be thankful to this force throughout your life?

Connect to the Infinite intelligence through your prayers. Dr.Norman Vincent Peale said:

“Prayer power is a manifestation of energy. Just as there exist scientific techniques for the release of atomic energy, so there are scientific procedures for the release of spiritual energy through the mechanism of prayer.”

This Supreme power is everywhere, permeating all forms and matter and we are all part of it. This also means that once one recognizes the infinite intelligence he/she is always not alone and has a powerful entity with him.

One got to be co-operative and one with the infinite intelligence so as to become a big success and prayer is a part of the way to connect with the infinite intelligence.

Now, how is this co-operative connection is achieved?

Through your feeling of gratitude for all the favors received and working on the hunches without delay combined with ones common sense. It’s simple but so powerful that your life could be turned around as soon as you start tapping into this omnipotent source.

One great place to start is to start reading the Bible which is the source of all knowledge about life. Great book to start ones journey to be one with the infinite intelligence and also to get wonderful ideas for ones life—to succeed and to be happy!

This is not just a myth but an exact science. Just peruse what Dr.Robert Worstell has said in this book about this approach:

“We have, then, a precise scientific approach to improving any aspect of one's life. Part of this approach is the recognition of this Power according to the observed and tested rules these various authors have researched and written down for us.”

Reading Wallace D.Wattles book “The Science of Getting Rich” would allow one to know more about the infinite intelligence and to realize the fact that getting rich, in all aspects of life, is not an accident but an exact science which works when we work with and through the infinite intelligence.

The book by Wattles and this book “Go thunk yourself” can open many floodgates for you once you have completed studying and started applying the principles of these two books.

With the infinite intelligence’s guidance you will receive many gifts through out the year in the forms of ideas, hunches, intuition, peace of mind, inner calmness, a divine braveness and many more.

Let God be with you in all that you do and guide you in His ways and make your life a masterpiece!

Wish you all the riches to come with God’s blessings 

Success Messenger

Your Mental Attitude (From "Above Life's Turmoil" by James Allen)

As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge...